October 09, 2009  Nº 828 - Vol. 7

"I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize"

Steven Wright
(American Comedian)

In today’s Law Firm Marketing, How to build your law practice with dignity: here's the only marketing plan you'll ever need.


Read Migalhas LatinoAmérica in Spanish every Tuesday and Thursday. Visit the website at www.migalhas.com/latinoamerica


  • Top News

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

U.S. President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for giving the world "hope for a better future" with his work for peace and calls to reduce the global stockpile of nuclear weapons. The first African-American to hold his country's highest office, Obama has called for disarmament and worked to restart the stalled Middle East peace process since taking office in January. "Very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the committee said in a citation. It awarded the prize to Obama less than nine months into his presidency. Despite setting out an ambitious international agenda, he has yet to score any breakthrough on the Middle East or Iran's nuclear program, and faces difficult choices on the conduct of the war in Afghanistan.

Why the price of gold is rising

The price of gold has hit a new all-time high. The precious metal reached a record high of more than $1,050 an ounce on Thursday morning. Arguably the role of gold is as a sentiment barometer. A high gold price is an indicator that all is not well with the global economy.


There are several factors at play which are leading to demand for gold rising, pushing up the price:

  • Weakness of the dollar: The greenback is commonly seen as the World's reserve currency. Low interest rates and the US government's massive economic support package have weakened the dollar. Those who would typically have invested in that currency are looking for other places to put their money where it will, they hope, gain value.

  • Speculation: A lot of the investment into gold is coming from institutions such as hedge funds - whose money needs to go somewhere. When banks are offering very low rates of interest on savings - and money can be borrowed extremely cheaply - gold becomes attractive, observers say.

  • Inflation risk: Gold is seen as a hedge against inflation. Right now, inflation is pretty low, but mounting worries about potential inflation in 2010 may be enticing more investors to the precious metal.
    Psychological: Gold has a "primeval" quality argues Adrian Ash of UK online gold exchange, BullionVault.com (which makes its money when customers buy and sell gold). He says that while it is essentially a "lump of metal with little purpose", gold tends to hold its value over the long term and is not anchored to the value of cash. This means that people are drawn to it in uncertain times, Mr Ash adds, though he cautions the price can be volatile.

  • Seasonal: In Western cultures, individuals buying into gold as an investment remains relatively rare. It is not the kind of advice you are likely to get from a financial adviser, for example.

However, in countries such as China and India, buying gold as in investment is more common. And at this time of year, in the run-up to the Diwali festival, there is a seasonal increase in gold purchases because the metal is traditionally given as a gift.

Indian farmers are also big gold customers at this time of year - seeing it as a way of keep their profits safe after harvest - free from threat of currency fluctuations.

Capture or kill? Lawyers eye options for terrorists

Given that United States would rather not be in the terrorist detention business, the Obama administration is thinking creatively about what to do with detainees. The Obama administration expects to capture people overseas in the future, but no matter where the U.S. holds detainees, there are military, diplomatic, legal and political obstacles.


Although Obama has ruled out CIA-run foreign prisons, he has said he will continue another detention practice used by the Bush administration: rendition. In late August, Obama's interrogation and transfer policy task force said the administration would continue sending terrorists to foreign countries as long as those governments promised not to torture detainees. "The international community doesn't accept the idea that individuals can be held without trial over a long period of time," says John Bellinger, who was legal adviser to the State Department under President Bush. "So it's unlikely that we'd be able to persuade other members of the international community, particularly those in Europe, to join in holding people for any significant period of time unless they were going to be tried." "The benefit of capturing them is that we might be able to get from them certain intelligence that we can use to hunt down future terrorists," says University of Michigan law professor Monica Hakimi. "The cost is that once we capture them it's not really clear what we're supposed to do with them."

...Or Kill?

Given the difficulty of detaining high-value terrorists in the United States, Cuba, Afghanistan, black sites or foreign countries, another possibility exists. "To be perfectly blunt, I don't think that they'll pick them up at all," says Ken Anderson of the Hoover Institution and American University's Washington College of Law, who has written about these issues. "I think that we've actually allowed the courts to arrange the incentives to kill rather than capture." Many national security experts interviewed for this story agree that it has become so hard for the U.S. to detain people that in many instances, the U.S. government is killing them instead.

Obama created a task force to try to answer these questions. It was supposed to finish its work in July, but as the deadline approached, the team said it needed another six months to work through these problems.

Source: excerpts from: Ari Shapiro

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  • Crumbs!

1-Honduras interim government repeals decree suspending constitutional rights(click here)

2-Canada court rules security services may monitor citizens' communications abroad(click here)

3-US to improve immigration detention facilities(click here)

4-Costa Rica ex-president convicted on corruption charges (click here)


100% Migalhas: www.migalhas.com


  • Law Form Marketing

How to build your law practice with dignity: here's the only marketing plan you'll ever need

by Trey Ryder

Many lawyers spend thousands of dollars on complex marketing plans. But then, often, other priorities seize their attention and their marketing plans gather dust. Here's the marketing plan I use for my clients.

STEP #1: Identify the services you want to market and the niche you want to fill. When prospects hear your name, you want them to associate you with a specific type of services. For example, John Wilbanks is an estate planning attorney. Karen Ambrose is a tax lawyer. Mark O'Connor is a corporate lawyer.

STEP #2: Identify the clients you want to attract. If you expect to hit your target, you must know where to aim. Identify your prospects by

-- Demographics: These are characteristics that identify individuals by who they are (including gender, age, marital and family status, and occupation) -- and what they have (including education, income, car and home).

-- Psychographics: These are characteristics that identify individuals by what they like and how they live, such as hobbies, interests, and leisure activities -- anything that will connect you with the audience you want to reach.

-- Geographics: These are characteristics that identify individuals by where they live, where they work, and where you can find your prospective clients.

STEP #3: Identify what you can add to your services so prospects consistently choose you over other lawyers. Ask yourself how you could provide services more efficiently, effectively, completely, or faster -- with your client benefiting from less risk and more value.

I had a problem with the dealership that services my car. I lost one hour in the morning taking the car for service, and another hour in the afternoon retrieving the car. So I explained my situation to the service manager. He said, "No problem, I'll send someone to pick up the car."

In just ten words, he added tremendous value to his services, at a cost of almost nothing. And I added two billable hours to my day!

STEP #4: Identify how you and your services differ from those of your competitors. Positive differences are your competitive advantages. Negative differences are your competitive disadvantages. Identify both so you'll know your strengths and weaknesses.

Competitive advantages can include (1) your education, background and experience, (2) how well you serve and meet clients' needs, and (3) the physical environment in which you serve clients. As a rule, the deeper your knowledge, skill and experience, the higher the fees you can charge.

Everywhere you deliver your marketing message -- in written materials, at seminars, during interviews, on your Web site -- clearly spell out your competitive advantages.

STEP #5: Learn how to establish your credibility and interact with prospects without selling. Today's clients want confidence in your abilities, personal attention, and value for their money.

When you interview your prospect, (1) ask what problem he wants to solve or goal he wants to achieve, (2) listen carefully so you know which points he considers most important, (3) offer information about your prospect's problem and the solution you recommend, (4) provide facts about your background and qualifications, (5) explain how you've helped other clients in similar situations, and (6) allow your prospect to make his own decision without pressure from you.

STEP #6: Compile and keep on computer a comprehensive mailing list. Your mailing list is your most valuable business asset. Whether your list contains 20 names -- or 2,000 names -- these people are the core around which you build a successful firm.

Your mailing list should include (1) past and present clients, (2) prospects, (3) referral sources, and (4) editors and producers at media outlets that reach your target audience. Code your mailing list so you can call up whatever names you need.

The critical element in your marketing program is your ability to add prospect's names to your mailing list at whatever rate will bring you the number of new clients you want.

If you know the names of specific people or companies you would like to have as clients, add them to your firm mailing list. Most rules of professional conduct either prohibit or limit how and when you can approach consumers who have an immediate need for legal services. But time and again, I've heard bar counsel tell lawyers that they can add prospects' names to their mailing lists if those prospects might need legal services at some time in the future. This opens the door so prospects can receive your educational materials, newsletters and invitations to seminars. (If you have questions about this in your jurisdiction, check your rules of professional conduct or call your bar counsel.)

STEP #7: Make sure prospects and clients can reach you easily without hassle. If prospects have a hard time contacting you, they will often call another lawyer.

-- Menu of Options: Consider a voice mail menu to route calls quickly: "If you'd like to receive our new Consumer's Guide for Accident Victims, press one now. If you'd like to speak with Mr. Jones, press two now." If your menu is long, you might tell callers they can skip the menu and make their selection at any time.

-- Direct-Dial Numbers: If you want prospects and clients to call you without going through your switchboard, offer your direct dial number so they can reach you immediately.

-- Toll-Fr*ee Numbers: If you are marketing to prospects who are a toll call from your office, install a toll-fr*ee number because, in many cases, prospects won't pay to call you.

-- Never-Busy Fax Numbers: Most phone companies offer a fax backup service. It detects when your fax line is busy and reroutes a second fax into its computer. When your fax line is fr*ee, the backup service sends the fax to your fax machine.

-- Voice Mail: Set up a voice mail system so you can answer calls 24 hours a day and assure that no one gets a busy signal. During one series of radio commercials, I had a client who received 80 calls per commercial. (Do not use answering services with live operators because often, during peak hours, callers get busy signals or no one answers.)

-- Pager Notification: If you want to be notified when you have after-hours messages, you can add a pager to your system and it will page you according to your instructions.

-- E-mail: Prospects often want to send you a note, but don't need to talk with you. Make sure you accept e-mail messages and check your mailbox often. Recently a lawyer contacted me by e-mail to set up a phone appointment. I asked why he didn't call instead. He said he always makes his initial contacts by e-mail We find that prospects who make their inquiries by e-mail tend to be more affluent, educated prospects.

STEP #8: Compile your information and advice into your own unique educational message. Title your message so you attract the prospects you want -- and so they realize that your materials will help them solve a problem or achieve a goal.

A personal injury attorney might offer "5 steps to getting a fair settlement for your injuries." A domestic relations attorney might offer "9 ways to reduce the pain and expense of divorce." A business lawyer might offer "6 ways to reduce liability exposure and cut insurance costs."

On a sheet of paper, list each point along with your suggestions in plain English. Often, after doing nothing more than reading your materials, prospects will hire you because they trust you and believe that you know how to achieve the result they want.

To increase the persuasive power of your materials, include more than one list. Start with an umbrella title, such as "guide." For example, you might offer a Consumer's Guide to Child Custody. Then you could offer a number of tips, secrets, mistakes to avoid, misconceptions, and more.

To be effective, your educational message should (1) identify and explain your prospect's problem, (2) prove the problem exists, (3) identify the solution, (4) prove the solution works, and (5) build you into the solution so your prospect hires you. Make sure your marketing message always explains the benefits of acting now -- and what your prospects stand to lose or risk when they delay.

STEP #9: Educate your audience with written information and advice. Write your message in a form that you can send to anyone who calls your office. Then, by offering to mail copies without charge, you attract calls from genuine prospects. When prospects call, they give you their names and addresses, which you add to your mailing list.

Important: The longer your materials, the better. The longer you keep your prospect's attention -- and the more information you provide -- the more likely he is to hire your services. Not all prospects will read everything you send. But many will, provided your materials are well written and relevant to the person's problem. If your prospect is willing to give you his time and attention, you're in a much stronger marketing position when you have answered his questions and explained the many ways he benefits from hiring your services.

STEP #10: Educate your audience through articles and interviews. Media publicity provides you the opportunity to educate prospects, offer your written materials, and invite prospects to seminars. When you become the center of media attention, you establish a high level of credibility and -- when your program is properly designed -- you attract calls from prospects. One of my news releases landed my client on the CNN Headline News. Another client received 426 requests for his written materials after offering them on a radio talk show.

STEP #11: Educate your audience through paid advertising. To assure that your message appears at the times and places you desire, buy advertising time on the broadcast media and space in the print media. Your ad's focus should be to offer prospects more information by (1) inviting prospects to call for your fr*ee written materials, (2) inviting prospects to call for a fr*ee phone consultation, (3) inviting prospects to attend your fr*ee seminar, or (4) inviting prospects to visit your web site.

STEP #12: Educate your audience through fr*ee seminars and roundtables. Seminars save time because you present information to many prospects at once. Also, seminars enhance your credibility and allow you to talk with qualified prospects in a non-threatening educational setting. Plus, seminars give prospects the opportunity to ask questions, discuss problems and request an appointment with you.

STEP #13: Educate your audience through direct mail. Direct mail gives you the opportunity to educate prospects, offer your written materials, invite prospects to seminars, and invite prospects to visit your web site. You can use direct mail to communicate with prospects already on your list, or to reach new prospects if you can identify prospects by their names and mailing addresses.

Make sure you review your local Bar's ethical rules about mailing information to non-clients. Usually, these rules relate to targeted direct mailings to persons known to need legal services, such as accident victims, and do not apply to prospects who may someday need your help.

STEP #14: Educate your audience through a printed newsletter or e-mail alert. Send your newsletter to prospects, clients and referral sources. Your newsletter reinforces your marketing message, continues the flow of information, and serves as an ongoing contact. It adds value to the services you provide and acts as a tangible tool to increase referrals.

Your newsletter can be as short as a one-page letter -- or as long as you want. Frequency is more important than length. Mail your newsletter at least monthly. If you send an e-mail alert, consider sending it every week.

STEP #15: Educate your audience with a recorded message. If you want to reach people who cannot attend your seminars, record your seminar or dictate the information onto CDs or DVDs. This helps busy people who can listen whenever they have a break or when they are in their car on the way to work.

STEP #16: Educate your audience through a web site. When you put your educational information on your web site, it's there 24 hours a day, whenever your prospect wants to read it. In addition, you can add recorded audio and video messages to your web site. In fact, you can post a video of one or more seminars on your web site so prospects can digest your educational message online.

Include articles, checklists and recommendations. The more you educate your prospect, the more he trusts you and the more he values your knowledge. Try to answer every question your prospect might ask. The more information you provide, the more you help your prospect qualify or disqualify himself as a candidate for your services.

When you use different educational methods together, they reinforce and clarify your message. This brings you more new clients than if you were to use any one method by itself.

These 16 steps attract new clients, increase referrals, strengthen client loyalty and build your image as an authority without selling. What's more, this plan gives you complete control over your marketing future.


© Trey Ryder

FREE LAWYER MARKETING ALERT: If you'd like to receive Trey Ryder's weekly Lawyer Marketing Alert, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Write "Subscribe LMA" in the subject line and write your name and e-mail address in the body of the message.


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  • Historia verdadera

Medio Ambiente

Chilena Arauco presenta declaración de impacto ambiental para mejorar planta forestal con inversión de US$ 150 millones. Celulosa Arauco y Constitución (Celco) es una de las mayores productoras de celulosa del mundo y una de las principales compañías de la industria forestal en Chile. También opera en Argentina y Brasil.


La mexicana Gruma anunció que extendió el plazo para la ejecución definitiva de la refinanciación de pasivos por US$ 935,3 mlls hasta el 13 de octubre. Informó que el proceso de negociación de los contratos para convertir sus instrumentos financieros derivados por US$ 738,3 mlls. a créditos a mediano y largo plazo ha sido concluido en los términos y condiciones comunicados.

México x EE.UU.

Telefónica mexicana Axtel solicita cancelar la obligación de reportar bajo ley de valores de EE.UU. de 1934, argumenta que la norma fue modificada con respecto a sus bonos senior 11% con vencimiento en el año 2013. La terminación de la obligación de reportar sobre los bonos será efectiva una vez transcurridos 90 días posteriormente al trámite de ingreso.

  • Brief News

Websites 'need to pay for news'

Rupert Murdoch has said it is time for internet search engines and other websites to start to pay for any news reports they currently take for free. Murdoch, owner of media giant News Corporation, said such sites would soon have to pay for any content taken from his firm's many new providers. He was speaking at the World Media Summit in Beijing, where his comments were backed by some of his competitors. Associated Press boss Tom Curley said news providers were being "exploited". Curley said earlier this week that Associated Press was considering selling news stories to some websites, such as Google or Yahoo, exclusively for a certain period, such as half an hour. "The aggregators and plagiarists will soon have to pay a price for the co-opting of our content," Murdoch said.

Legal risk to property investors

In the UK, investors hit by the downturn and who choose not to complete property deals can still be forced to buy after a court injunction, lawyers have warned. Many buyers who agreed to purchase city apartments being built in the boom now find values have plunged or have difficulty in finding a mortgage deal. Some wrongly believe they risk only their deposit by pulling out after exchanging contracts. But lawyers said the legal obligation to complete the transaction was clear. Average flat prices fell by 19.5% in England and Wales from peak to trough. Many buy-to-let investors - including so-called amateur landlords - jumped on the property bandwagon as prices continued to rise.

US deficit 'hits record $1.4tn'

The US budget deficit hit a record $1.4 trillion in the year to 30 September, US Congress estimates say. The deficit is equal to 9.9% of gross domestic product (GDP) - more than treble the 2008 level. The surging deficit was put down to increased government spending and a big drop in tax revenues.

Stalin's grandson sues newspaper

Joseph Stalin's grandson has launched a court action claiming a liberal Russian newspaper has defamed the former Soviet dictator. Yevgeny Dzhugashvili says an article claiming Stalin personally ordered the deaths of Soviet citizens is a lie. A Moscow court has agreed to hear the case against the opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta. The paper published a piece referring to declassified death warrants which it says bore Stalin's personal signature.

EU pledges scrutiny on Opel deal

The European Union has pledged to ensure job cuts and factory closures at Opel and Vauxhall are not influenced by levels of state aid given to the firm. Competition Commissioner, Neelie Kroes said she wanted a "level playing field", with no conditions that breached EU rules attached to funding. The UK, Spain, Poland and Belgium fear the planned takeover of GM's Opel will favor German factories and jobs. Germany has offered Opel's would-be buyer Magna a 4.5bn-euro loan.

IBM 'in anti-competition probe'

IBM is being investigated by the US Department of Justice over allegations of anti-competitive behavior, a computer industry trade body has said. The Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) said the investigation came after it urged officials to look into the matter. CCIA accuses IBM of withdrawing software licenses from business clients who do not also buy its hardware. IBM denies any wrongdoing and says it will co-operate with any investigation.

EU approves new Microsoft pledges

The European Union has voiced its approval for Microsoft's latest pledges to curb its anti-competitive practices. The technology giant has agreed to give customers a wider choice of web browser through its Windows operating system and to share information with rivals. The EU will now consult PC makers, software firms and consumers on Microsoft's offer. The breakthrough could see an end to the anti-trust battle that has lasted for the best part of a decade.

'Nazi' accused faces extradition

The Australian Federal Court has ruled that an 88-year-old man can be extradited to Hungary to face accusations of murder. Hungary's government accuses Charles Zentai of killing Jewish teenager Peter Balazs in Budapest in 1944. At the time, Zentai was a warrant officer in the Hungarian army, then allied to Nazi Germany.

Citizen patrols hit Italy streets

The first, legal, citizens' patrols have appeared on the streets of Italy. Supporters say the patrols will enable ordinary people to help police carry out their role of protecting neighbourhoods. But opponents have argued the groups are no more than vigilantes, many of which are being set up in areas with high immigrant populations.

When law obscures the facts

The collapse of the auction-rate securities market is a largely forgotten part of the financial crisis, a disaster that was soon overwhelmed by bigger ones — except for the investors who were caught up in it, The New York Times's Floyd Norris writes in his latest High & Low Finance column. The investors thought they were buying safe short-term securities — sort of like a money market fund but with an expectation of a slightly higher return. The securities were supposed to be easy to sell for face value. Now, Norris says, many of the investors are stuck with securities that pay ridiculously low yields. In some cases, the securities will never mature, so the investors will never get their money back unless they sell them for a fraction of what they paid. Those who thought they were being safe and cautious in fact were taking huge risks. The biggest losers so far are corporations that bought the paper but now find they are not covered by settlements some Wall Street firms made to reimburse individual investors. But there are still individuals who are stuck with the securities, either because their brokerage firm refused to settle or because they moved from one firm to another and found that neither firm was willing to reimburse them, Norris notes. Some of those corporate purchasers may recall the old saying, "Be careful what you ask for. You might get it." Those buyers of this paper are finding they cannot successfully sue because of a 1995 law that was strongly backed by corporate America as a way to curb frivolous lawsuits.

Jet leasing companies stumble on debt burden

Jet-leasing companies own or manage more than one-third of the airliners in the sky and, despite the turmoil in the global economy, are still turning significant profits. Yet many of them — top customers for Boeing and Airbus — are sinking in debt and scrambling for cash. Several are up for sale but having difficulty attracting buyers. When the dust settles eventually, analysts say, many lessors will probably face higher borrowing costs. And that could increase the cost of flying for airlines and passengers.

Ex-Bear Stearns fund manager worries in unsealed e-mails about `blow up'

Former Bear Stearns Cos. hedge fund manager Matthew Tannin, accused of misleading investors, said “We could blow up” in a 2006 e-mail, according to documents released by prosecutors.

  • Daily Press Review

Sudan: SLM Warns US Envoy Not to Visit Darfur Areas Under Its Control
Asharq Al-Awsat, Pan-Arab daily, London, England

Minibus bomb kills 41, wounds 100 in northwest Pakistan
Gulf News, Independent daily, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
Haaretz, Liberal daily, Tel Aviv, Israel

ECONOMY: Recovery Will Be Jobless
IPS Middle East, International cooperative of journalists, Rome, Italy

Analysis: Artificially respirating Abbas
JPost, Conservative, Jerusalem, Israel

In the Keeper's Footsteps
Khaleej Times, English-language daily, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Iraq inks oil pact with British-Chinese consortium
Middle East North African Network, Online financial portal, Amman, Jordan

Scores Killed in Pakistan Market Bombing
Nahamet, Online news portal, Beirut, Lebanon

Panel formed on Lebanon poll law
Saudi Gazette, English-language daily, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Grim omens as US envoy pursues Mideast peace
The Daily Star, Independent daily, Beirut, Lebanon

US envoy returns to Mideast amid little hope of progress
Times of Oman, English-language daily, Muscat, Oman

Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
BBC News, Centrist newscaster, London, England

Buckley replaces Hayes for Munster
BreakingNews.ie, Online news portal, Cork, Ireland

Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace prize
Daily Express, Conservative tabloid, London, England

Hunger striker's £7m Big Mac: Tamil who cost London a fortune in policing was sneaking in fast-food
Daily Mail, Conservative daily, London, England

Telefonica promises further dividend increase
DMeurope, Online news portal, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vauxhall Motors Astra launch reveals hopes for positive future
icLiverpool, Online news portal, Liverpool, England

GMP rated 'fair' by watchdog
Manchester Online, Independent daily, Manchester, England

Morricone and Czech National Symphony Orchestra work together on new CD
Radio Prague, Online news portal, Prague, Czech Republic

Barack Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Sky News, Independent newscaster, Middlesex, England

Murder in Hitler's Bunker: Who Really Poisoned the Goebbels Children?
Spiegel International, Liberal newsmagazine, Hamburg, Germany

Barack Obama wins Nobel peace prize
The Guardian, Liberal daily, London, England

Beckham nearing Milan return
The Irish Times, Centrist daily, Dublin, Ireland

Melanie Hall: man arrested over 'bag of bones' murder
The Telegraph, Conservative daily, London, England

Scientists prepare to 'bomb' the Moon in search for water
Times Online, Conservative daily, London, England

Foundation kicks off special fund with US$29,420 contribution
Antara News, News agency, Jakarta, Indonesia

10th Seoul International Financial Forum Kicks Off
Chosun Ilbo, Conservative daily, Seoul, South Korea

SC issues contempt notice to Abdul Hameed Dogar
Dawn, English-language daily, Karachi, Pakistan

President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
India Express, News portal, Mumbai, India

Thrashed US journo seeks $5L relief
India Times, Conservative daily, New Delhi, India

A twisted path to true love
Japan Times, Independent centrist, Tokyo, Japan

Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
Malaysian Star, Online news portal, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Son jailed for helping self to mum's $200m fortune
New Zealand Herald, Conservative daily, Auckland, New Zealand

Niger decries UNDP human development index
People's Daily Online, English-language, Beijing, China

Feminism has become uncool all over again ...
Sydney Morning Herald, Centrist daily, Sydney, Australia

Blast outside India's Kabul mission kills 17
The Hindu, Left-leaning daily, Chennai, India

U-shaped rebound tipped
The Standard, Business daily, Hong Kong

Transport board undergoes major shake-up
Antigua Sun Online, Independent daily, St. John's, Antigua

Kenwyne Jones recruited for England 2018 World Cup bid
Caribbean News Portal, Online news aggregator

Jamaica rethinks opposition to CCJ
Caribbean360, Online news portal, St. Michael, Barbados

Premier designate hits back
Cayman Net News, Online news portal, George Town, Cayman Islands

Carter launches US$19.9M Dominican-Haiti program to eradicate malaria
Dominican Today, Independent daily, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

BOLIVIA: Amazon Nuts at Exploitative Prices
IPS Latin America, International cooperative of journalists, Rome, Italy

Results bungled - Ministry, Pembroke Hall Primary at odds over literacy test error
Jamaica Gleaner, Independent daily, Kingston, Jamaica

Possible decriminalizacion of abortion causes great controversy in Peru
Living in Peru, News portal, Lima, Peru

Heatley hits hat trick in home debut
The Globe and Mail, Centrist daily, Toronto, Canada

Idling ambulance fiasco stole Jim Hearst's last hope
Toronto Star, Liberal daily, Toronto, Canada

Mikela: Divali offers hope for brighter tomorrow
Trinidad Guardian, Independent daily, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad

Kenyans not ready to leave camps
BBC News, Centrist newscaster, London, England

Congolese 'brutally deported' from Angola
CongoPlanet.com, Independent online news aggregator

Uganda has wasted 47 years - Kabaka
Daily Monitor, Independent daily, Kampala, Uganda

M&J Bribery Case : A-G Coming With Facts
GhanaWeb, Online news portal, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Obama wins Nobel prize
iafrica, Online news portal, Cape Town, South Africa

'They will work it out'
Independent Online, News portal, Cape Town, South Africa

Al Amoudi donates $16 Mil for 3 schools in Arsi, Oromia
Jimma Times, Online news portal, Jimma, Ethiopia

Iran will 'blow up heart' of Israel if attacked, says aide
Mail & Guardian Online, Liberal, Johannesburg, South Africa

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
News24.com, Online news portal, Cape Town, South Africa

Abia to empower 1630 youths
Vanguard, Independent daily, Lagos, Nigeria


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The content of the Miglhas International newsletter is edited for purposes of news reporting, comments and education from several sources, including: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, The London Times, Le Monde, Frankfurter Allgemeine, The Financial Times, Radio Netherlands Worldwide, Google News, International Herald Tribune, Paper Chase (jurist.law.pitt.edu), The World Press Review: https://www.worldpress.org, Forbes, Fortune, Time, Newsweek, Harvard Business Review, American Bar Association, American Lawyer Media, FindLaw.com, Reuters, Associated Press, Internet Business Law Services, Folha de S.Paulo, O Estado do S.Paulo, Lexis Nexis, West Law, CNN, The Globe and Mail, The Los Angeles Times, Wikipedia and more.

Fair use notice

This newsletter contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of legal, environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this newsletter is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

The messages that appear in this newsletter are for informational purposes only. They are not intended to be and should not be considered legal advice nor substitute for obtaining legal advice from competent, independent, legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.

Transmission of this information is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. The information contained on this list may or may not reflect the most current legal developments.


Copyright 2009 - Migalhas International