Law Firm Directory

Integrating even more the legal world, Migalhas has created the new "Directory" section, the unrivaled online directory of law firms and providers of legal services. Use this service to find lawyers and litigators or to find more information about law firms. Migalhas makes this new advanced tool avaiable to it's readers. To add your law firm, please contact us at [email protected].

Santa Catarina
Martinelli Advogados

Martinelli Advogados

Presentation: Martinelli is a modern law firm headquartered in Joinville with branches in Curitiba, Maringa, Brasilia, Caxias do Sul and Florianopolis.

Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa

Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa

Presentation: A Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa foi fundada em 1932 por Sebastião Portugal Gouvêa que, após se formar pelas Arcadas, decidiu formar sua banca ao lado Francisco Estella.