Law Firm Directory
Integrating even more the legal world, Migalhas has created the new "Directory" section, the unrivaled online directory of law firms and providers of legal services. Use this service to find lawyers and litigators or to find more information about law firms. Migalhas makes this new advanced tool avaiable to it's readers. To add your law firm, please contact us at [email protected].
| Presentation: Décio Freire e Associados é um escritório de advocacia que atua eminentemente na área empresarial. |
| Presentation: Fundado em fevereiro de 1998 por Flávio de Queiroz Bezerra Cavalcanti, o Queiroz Cavalcanti Advocacia tem sede em Pernambuco e atua no Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, com total de nove escritórios próprios para atender clientes de diferentes portes e segmentos. |
| Presentation: As we affirmed previously, TRIGUEIRO FONTES Advogados is going through one of its most promising periods in terms of service providing. |