Law Firm Directory

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São Paulo
São Paulo
Luchesi Advogados
Luchesi Advogados

Luchesi Advogados

Avenida Francisco Matarazzo, nº 1500 – 16º andar – Edifício New York , Água Branca
05001-100 São Paulo-SP

Telephone: 55 11 3662-4333
Fax: 55 11 3662-4633
E-mail: [email protected]


Presentation: Luchesi Advogados bring together professionalism and technical resources in order to offer their clients the most immediate and effective advice. Their permanent goals are: agility, efficiency, and ethics. The firm is recognized for their accumulated experience in litigation, both in complex cases of civil and commercial nature as well as in credit recovery matters. Engaged in the various areas of business law, especially those concerning corporations, capital market, business reorganization (creditors’ agreements, bankruptcies, reorganizations), financial institutions, tax law, international law and real estate law. In regards to their activity in the agribusiness sector, the firm has offices in strategic agricultural regions, and the operational support of corresponding firms located in London, New York, Boston, Miami, Brasília, and in the main state capitals and 60 other cities in Brazil.

Activities and services: Agribusiness; Environmental Law and Biotecnology; Litigation; Civil Law; Business Law; Consumer Law; Real Estate Law; Corporate Law; Tax Law.

Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.

Established since: 2000

Partners' profiles and contact information: 22