Law Firm Directory

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São Paulo
São Paulo
Gasparini, De Cresci e Nogueira de Lima Advogados
Gasparini, De Cresci e Nogueira de Lima Advogados

Gasparini, De Cresci e Nogueira de Lima Advogados

Avenida Paulista, 1.842, Torre Norte, 2° andar , Bela Vista
01310-923 São Paulo-SP

Telephone: 55 11 2171-1300
Fax: 55 11 2171-1399
E-mail: [email protected]


Presentation: Gasparini, De Cresci e Nogueira de Lima Lawyers has as main commitment the legal rendering of services of the highest quality and efficiency. The customers count on a law firm with legal knowledge and others subjects acquired in the best educational centers of Brazil and the exterior. The extensive practical legal-enterprise of its body of lawyers makes of Gasparini, de Cresci e Nogueira de Lima Lawyers an office with reference in the domestic territory, with performance in São Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Brasilia and in the main Brazilian cities. With the intent to offer to the customers a personalized and efficient attendance, we search to know with depth the areas of performance of each customer, to follow the evolution and technical and technological development of its activities, as well as particular sectorial problems to its enterprise branch. The office is proud for giving a agile and wide legal advisory, no matter the complexity of the involved legal questions. Prioritizing the excellency in the providing of the service, the works are developed by teams especially selected, as the specialty and complexity of the presented case, in way to take care of the individual necessities of each customer.

Activities and services: Administrative, Concessions and Licitations, Ambient, Antitrust, Consuming, Litigious and Arbitration, Contractual, Family and Successions, Financings, Real estate, Financial Institutions, Stock market, Copyright and Industrial, Technology of the Information, InterNet and other medias, Sectors strong regulated: Energy, Telecommunications, Gas and Oil, Insurances, Private Providence, Health, Societary, Merger and acquisitions and Investments, Third Sector and Foment to the Education, Art, Culture and Entertainment, Tributary and Working Law and Previdenciary.

Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.

Established since: 2004

Partners' profiles and contact information: 37