Law Firm Directory

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São Paulo
São Paulo
Biazzo Simon Advogados
Biazzo Simon Advogados

Biazzo Simon Advogados

Avenida Paulista, 2.202, 1º andar, cjs. 11/12/13 , Bela Vista
01310-932 São Paulo-SP

Telephone: 55 11 2166-2001
Fax: 55 11 2166-2003
E-mail: [email protected]


Presentation: Established in 1992, Biazzo Simon Advogados is a Law firm that counts on dynamic and highly qualified professionals. As long as planning and accompaniment of cases are concerned, we analyses every particularity and necessity of each client, what guarantees a differentiated attendance. The relevance of the lawsuits managed by our firm and the constant growth of our client’s portfolio, mainly formed for companies of representative participation in its segments, foundations and associations, reflect the success of our law firm trajectory.

Activities and services: Public Law; Intellectual Property; Civil Law; Consumer Law; Tax Law; Labor Law.

Languages: Português, Inglês e Espanhol.

Established since: 1992

Partners' profiles and contact information: 25