Law Firm Directory

Integrating even more the legal world, Migalhas has created the new "Directory" section, the unrivaled online directory of law firms and providers of legal services. Use this service to find lawyers and litigators or to find more information about law firms. Migalhas makes this new advanced tool avaiable to it's readers. To add your law firm, please contact us at [email protected].

São Paulo
São Paulo
Benhame Sociedade de Advogados
Benhame Sociedade de Advogados

Benhame Sociedade de Advogados

Rua Mirassol, 46 , Vila Clementino
04044-010 São Paulo-SP

Telephone: 55 (11) 3115-1669
E-mail: [email protected]


Presentation: A distinguished office with business activities in which all services are performed with personal monitoring of the partners, and by lawyers who know the particularities of each client, who receives personalized advice in the areas of the office. The company operates in manufacturing, commercial, and services business area with companies of different sizes.

Activities and services: Civil Litigation Area, Contractual And Corporate Consultive Area, Labor Litigation Area, Labor Consultive Area, Inspection And Mpt, Union Area, Litigation Advising and Outsourcing Process.

Languages: Portuguese, French, English and Italian.

Established since: 1998

Partners' profiles and contact information: