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Distrito Federal
Moraes Pitombo Attorneys
Moraes Pitombo Attorneys

Moraes Pitombo Attorneys

Setor de Autarquias Sul, Quadra 01, Bloco N, salas 410/411, Ed. Terrabrasilis , Asa Sul
70070-010 Brasília-DF

Telephone: 55 61 3322 7690
Fax: 55 61 3322 7690
E-mail: [email protected]


Presentation: Moraes Pitombo Attorneys is a Law Firm that was founded with the objective of harmonically combining two different qualities of contemporary legal practice: personally tailored client service – characteristic of small Law Firms – and the cutting-edge technology and organization of big Law Firms. Right from the project phase we decide to serve clients, both individual and companies, within a specific niche of legal practice, without extending our activities to other fields of Law. Therefore, the attorneys who are part of Moraes Pitombo Attorneys staff dedicate themselves to improve the technical quality of the specialized services rendered. Each individual lawyer has the mission to expand his/her legal knowledge, by studying and getting updated constantly. In this sense, lawyer are stimulated to further their academic careers and to participate in courses abroad. Consequently, the preparations of procedural documents follow strict methods of doctrinal investigation and application of updated jurisprudence, as a form of emphasizing the peculiarities of each case, so as to meet the goal, which is convincing those who judge. In order to meet such goal, our firm has not only organized a vast legal library, but has also has put together an extensive collection of periodicals and journals plus a wide database of past trials, organized by subject matters. When defending the points of view of our clients, guided by the highest ethical norms, our lawyers are trained to put forward graceful and easy deliveries in hearings and oral statements in general. Our attorneys carry out their daily tasks attending the courts of law, even the Supreme Federal Court and the Superior Court of Justice, with the purpose of ensuring the perfect follow-up pf trials. Also, communication between attorney and client is privileged at our offices. In hearings, meetings, trails and judgments, or awaiting urgent judicial decisions, among other important situations, our team of lawyers is organized in such a way that clients can swiftly as possible have crucial information available and services provided, thanks to the ample use of cutting-edge communication technology. Another relevant aspect of our legal practice is the reliability. Professional secrecy regarding legal processes is the golden rule, a true way of ensuring the privacy of the client and the preservation of the case. In the so-called popular or mediatic cases, improvisation is totally avoided. Jointly with media and communication professionals we develop specific strategies on how to deal with the mass media. With the view of best serving our clients, as other law firms have done, we decided to open a subsidiary office in the capital city of Brasilia (Federal District), where all the Superior Courts of Justice of Brazil are based, so as to have a much closer follow-up of the progress of appeals and original procedures. The staff at Moraes Pitombo Attorneys made up of lawyers and trainees recruited from the best schools in Brazil, people who wholeheartedly commit themselves to the defense of our clients´ interests, using cutting-edge technology combined with legal know-how and experience.

Activities and services: Criminal and Civil Litigation.

Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.