Collective Management : how it operates in Brazil

Fabio Pereira

Collecting societies can be defined as institutions, generally founded by a certain category of copyright holders (authors or simply right owners), which administers the rights of its members to grant copyright authorisation for certain uses of their works, without individual consultation, and which collects and allocates the corresponding royalties, distributing a percentage of collected sums amongst its members.


The legal auditor in the face of national incompetence

Jayme Vita Roso

On this occasion, the legal auditor was invited to give an opinion on the direct and indirect effects of collection in an age where increases in credit are startling everyone, because, although in 2004 and 2005 the rate of employment was still in the yellow zone, in 2006 it underwent a slight change in direction.


The legal auditor before young people

Jayme Vita Roso

Having been called upon to act as part of a multidisciplinary group to discuss proposals that would be offered to the governments of the industrial municipalities known collectively as the ABC region, located in greater São Paulo, with the purpose of creating opportunities for young people, preliminary meetings were held in which each of the participants offered suggestions as to the work they would pursue.


In search of the causes of the proposal of legal auditing

Jayme Vita Roso

With the sun at its zenith, on a cloudless day on the morning of December 3rd 2006, a Sunday, I set myself the task of meeting, at Guarulhos Airport, three brothers who were journeying from Recife.


The influence of Free Trade Agreements provisions on the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement

Fabio Pereira

Free Trade Agreements are contributing to undermine the attempts to find a solution to the access to essential medicines problem. How do FTAs affect the flexibilities to ease access to medicines by developing and least-developed countries, as provided by the TRIPS Agreement?


Responsible purchasing: what the legal auditor thinks and suggests

Jayme Vita Roso

The Non-Governmental Organization Comprar Certo (Buy Right)[1] sent two of its directors involved in an unprecedented social movement to visit this legal auditor in order to request his opinion, pro bono, as to the legal implications of the activity known as responsible purchasing, and to inform them of the consequences that could arise from this engagement given that the movement attracts strong popular appeal.


Should intellectual property rights be considered as fundamental human rights?

Felipe Fontes

With the spread of intellectual property rights worldwide, especially in the last century, some previous concepts of human rights have considerably changed, provoking an increase of public discussions focused on the relationship between intellectual property and human rights. Some critiques and questions have been raised regarding whether an intellectual property right can be a fundamental human right. The issue is not easy to answer and must be analysed carefully.


Corporate legal auditing for a company to create a RPPN - Privately owned nature reserve

Jayme Vita Roso

A certain company, with head offices in Pernambuco, that engages in the generic activity of the manufacture of sugar as well as in several other activities provided for in its corporate by-laws (it is a joint stock company), consulted us as to the feasibility of creating a privately owned nature reserve (or RPPN in Portuguese) within the extensive area it owns in the state of Pernambuco. Its officers wanted us to give them detailed information on the possible advantages and disadvantages of creating such a nature reserve together with the resulting costs and benefits thereof.


Covenants not to compete and confidentiality agreements: How should legal auditing assess them?

Jayme Vita Roso

Covenants not to compete (CNCs) and confidentiality agreements (CA) are being used ever more frequently by multinational companies to protect their trade, industrial, technological or marketing secrets and they have begun, rightly so, to be scrutinized in all their multiple facets by operators of law.


The destruction of un-used backup tapes: Legal auditing and its role in guiding such destruction

Jayme Vita Roso

Conceptually, backup tapes store information that is generally considered, by law and in practice, to be a document, in the legal sense. Information, when it is compiled or transcribed from oral manifestations, for example, is transformed into documents and, when use is made thereof, it constitutes an element of exteriorized will, and may serve as evidence in the ambit of material law.

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