Juliana Martines
The official letter published by the CVM (Brazilian SEC) on June 14, 2005 is very clear: the deal signed between Abílio Diniz and Casino Guichard Perrachon on May 3, 2005 requires the tag along.
Walter Douglas Stuber
At a special session of March 4, 2005, the Brazilian Monetary Council approved Resolution Nº 3265 that simplifies the exchange rules theretofore in force and are part of the broader effort of economic reforms aimed at boosting the Brazilian economic production.
Juliana Martines
The discussions brought by the “new” Civil Code, especially with regards to the Brazilian limited liability company, their directors and the consequent subjection of these to the ultra vires theory are covering up another important issue: the one related to the duties and responsibilities of the directors of the Brazilian corporations, regulated by the articles 145 to 160 of the Law 6.404/76, aka the Law of Corporations.
Horacio Roitman
El caso de Terri ha vuelto a llamar la atención sobre los límites que el progreso tecnológico puede tener en la prolongación de la vida humana.
Mary Rose Brusewitz
O “trust” é um veículo bastante flexível e útil para companhias com grupos de ativos que querem administrar e/ou financiar. Entre as opções comuns para o financiamento de ativos como aviões, plataformas e navios, dentre outros grandes investimentos, os financiadores optam usar os fideicomissos (“trusts”) nas estruturas de “leasing” ou afretamento, e nos “project financings”. Segue abaixo um breve descritivo sobre os “trusts”.
Owen D. Jones and Timothy H. Goldsmith
Society uses law to encourage people to behave differently than they would behave in the absence of law. This fundamental purpose makes law highly dependent on sound understandings of the multiple causes of human behavior.
Juliana Martines
Blood trust: is it enough to succeed in the corporate world? For many generations, owners of the most reputable corporate dynasties would think so. And many of them still do. Although trust is a powerful tool in which family-owned companies can rely on in order to trigger success, it has proven to be insufficient.
Andréa Arean Oncala
In light of the deficit in infrastructure and utility services in Brazil resulting, in big part, from the shortfall of public and private investments in key sectors of the economy, an increasing number of partnerships between the government and private entities have been considered as an alternative to promote the development of Brazil’s infrastructure sector and ensure the economic feasibility of projects, under which the private partner will be responsible for financing and operation, with guarantees by the government, who remains in the control over certain activities considered to be of public interest.
Reena SenGupta
Lawyers have it all: glamour, prestige, money. They have the chance, in private practice, to be owner-managers of their businesses. They do intellectual, well-respected jobs in the commercial and civil worlds. So, why are lawyers so unhappy?
John McNaughton
As many foreign parties ruefully come to learn, pleas for enforcement of foreign judgments before the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil are routinely denied, because the resident Brazilian defendant had not properly received service of process.
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