Enrique Tello Hadad e Fernanda Nakada
It is worth pointing out that Provisional Measures in Brazil are instruments with force of law adopted by the country’s President. They have immediate effects and are valid for 60 (sixty) days, extendable for the same period. To be converted into law, the National Congress must approve them.
Ericson M. Scorsim
The Chinese company Huawei is suing the United States government for barring procurement agreements related to the supply of telecommunication equipment to federal agencies.
Mariana Mendonça Balga
This is one of the acts of implementation of the new Brazilian Mining Regulatory Framework, an issue that had been on the government agenda for many years and culminated in organizational, administrative and legal changes in the mining law.
Mariana Cardoso Magalhães
The bill was sent to the National Congress on February 13, 2019 for analysis, with voting scheduled for this year.
Mariana Cardoso Magalhães
This decree conflicts directly with one of the Brazilian initiatives best seen in these times of anti-corruption, which was the entry into the Open Government Partnership (OGP), which took place in 2011 and led to the drafting of the access to information law.
Wilson Knoner Campos
Time to see if OHCHR will take a step towards demanding legally binding of UDHR and other legal tools to exemplarily not only sanction Russia but to enforce all necessary means to release Dennis Christensen from illegal imprisonment due to his mere exercising of right to freedom of religion.
Enrique Tello Hadad and Eduardo Urrutia Depassier
This is to inform you about the proximity of the terms set forth in the Circular No. 3.822/17 of the Brazilian Central Bank, for companies recipients of foreign investment to declare their economic-financial information at the Brazilian Central Bank System.
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