Guilherme Leporace and Bruno Haack Vilar
Largely used in the American and European markets, an interesting alternative to overcome deadlocks over collection devices and guarantees has recently been made available in Brazil by insurance companies: the representations and warranties (R&W) insurance.
Gutemberg P. Lopes Jr.
A piece of the puzzle is put in place by the Sino-Brazilian Principles, a synthesis of Brazil‘s and China‘s core bilateral values, distilled from their legal systems and government-to-government agreements of the last forty years.
Leonardo Peres da Rocha e Silva and Alessandro Pezzolo Giacaglia
Resolution No. 12 of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense regulating the process for inquiries to CADE.
Ana Carolina Pimentel and Guilherme Leporace
Transactions like these are becoming more and more common in Brazil.
Caroline Dihl Prolo
The parties to the Climate Convention have decided to develop a new international climate agreement, to be signed by the end of 2015 in Paris.
Renata Maria Novotny Vallarelli, Guilherme Leporace and Juliana Zielinsky Yonenaga
With regard to certain classes of such assets, the FII, if properly structured, may provide relevant tax benefits, especially for investors who are natural persons.
Paulo Eduardo Penna and Juliana Carvalho de Azevedo
The declared purpose of the FIA-MA is to encourage investments in mid-market companies and foster new IPOs.
Luis Gustavo Miranda de Oliveira and Paulo Teixeira Fernandes
BNDES adopts measures aimed to intensify corruption combat among foreign officials according to the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions of OECD. One of the most relevant measure is that it is required that exporters set up compliance programs.
Maria Fernanda Pecora Gédéon and Amanda Federico Lopes Fernandes
This law has come to fill a gap in brazilian legislation.
Andrea Maia, Juliana Loss de Andrade
The symbolism of the term "black belt’’ may lead us in the first place to its meaning in the martial arts field.
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