Ana Lúcia Pinke Ribeiro de Paiva , Priscila Freire da Silva Cezario and Sofia Moura de Freitas
Taking advantage of the beginning of one more year, we kindly invite you to read our Retrospective in Brazilian labor and employment matters, of 2014.
Jayme Vita Roso
All Brazilian environmentalists must study how and what to learn from the Chinese, and work with politicians to plan the future of the country, avoiding the erosion caused by predatory agribusiness.
Jayme Vita Roso
The country is unfamiliar or perhaps unwilling to learn about how to make things better and mitigate the effects of environmental degradation.
Mauricio Gomm Santos
Mauricio Gomm Santos, of Gomm & Smith in Miami, comments on the current bill before the Congress, which addresses potential changes to the Brazilian Arbitration Act.
Dalton Cesar Cordeiro de Miranda
A King named Brazil, nicknamed the Scared Giant, whose kingdom extended beyond sight, had three sons: Executive, Legislative and Judiciary; the first two were committed, and the latter one was suitor of the love from the young maid Prosecutors’ Office.
Eduardo M. Gaban
On September 25th, the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (“FIESP”), one of the most relevant forums for the discussion of important economic and industrial subjects in Brazil, has promoted a seminar, with the presence of renowned academics, lawyers and industry representatives to discuss the most relevant aspects of Brazil’s current antitrust policies.
Natalie Yoshida
In the field of health surveillance, the state uses regulation to protect public health. In pursuit of this goal, the state controls the production and consumption of goods and services which have an impact on public health.
Luis Gustavo Miranda, Paulo Teixeira Fernandes and Júlia Melo Carvalho Ribeiro
The Public Federal Prosecutor´s Office requested the National Council of Justice to take measures aimed to enforce the Law n. 5.709/71 which imposes restrictions on the acquisition and lease of rural properties by foreigners.
Renata Maria Novotny Vallarelli, Paulo Eduardo Penna and Juliana Carvalho de Azevedo
FIPs are one of the preferred vehicles for structuring private equity investments in Brazil. And this is mostly because of their favorable tax regime. If certain conditions are met, the benefits may be substantial.
Leonardo A. F. Palhares e Caio Iadocico de Faria Lima
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